Sunday, May 20, 2007

Time is a figment of my imagination

I've officially lost track of the timezone I'm staying in. Why doesnt it ever get dark in London?
God damn you exams.

Football is my only reprive. Sleep just confuses me now. I wake up when it's dark. I wake up when it's bright. There's really no difference. 2 months ago I had 3 months. 2 months later and I'm out of time.

Fagging my fuckin lungs away, when all I really want to do is drink my liver to Hell.

God damn you exams. God damn you.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Almost in Greece? More like Already in Glory

Good weekend...title winning game at the City, Arsenal gift wrapping the title for us.
Very good weekend

On a side note, further proof that Chelsea are a bunh of gayers..
Johnny T showing "Daddy" his appreciation, only for "Daddy" to shrug him off and go for Fatty Frank. It must be the love handles.

Johnny T all emotional after getting dumped, yet he can't hide his love (lust) for good ol' Jose

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Justin can fuck right off

Holy shit!! --> Chow Yun Fat!! --> Pirates of the Caribbean !!
This should bring sexy back for sure